
Canadian Singer Songwriters

Day 5 - Gratitude

Canadian Singer Songwriters

Ok... so I just about gave up on this thing, but I'm not going to.  

Today I am just really grateful for music.  Specifically Canadian music.  I have been on YouTube most of the morning just enjoying everything from The Guess Who to Kathleen Edwards.  We are so richly diverse in this country when it comes to music.  Until you take the time to actually take the time to discover it you never will.  It is not your pre-packaged, mass media produced, world famous artists that I am speaking of.  It is the ones you know worked their asses off to make it (in Canada) and who write lyrics that have Canadian content... seriously love it.  

If you don't know about these following artists please check them out.  Just a few of my favorites:

Hannah Gorges
Kathleen Edwards
Ron Sexsmith
Dan Mangan


Thank you CBC for promoting amazing Canadian talent!


Friends and Family

Day 4- Gratitude

Friends & Family

Seems obvious right?  Not everyone in the world is blessed with a support system of family and friends.  I feel very lucky lately to have especially great support from some of my girlfriends.  They simply lift me up and encourage me to do what is in my heart and to pursue my passions.  Sometimes I find that family might be a little more hesitant to encourage you to take a risk because they don't want to see you fail but your friends will be the ones to lift you back up and tell you to try again.  I am bound to my family by love and I am thankful for the values that have been instilled in me.

Today I am just very grateful for my friends.  Without a doubt I have some of the most fantastic women in my life.  They are all different from one another and in various walks of life with different experiences shaping who they are.  All of them have a special place in my heart and I love them dearly.  Its funny because three of them share the same name.  I have three Sarah's/ Sara in my life who probably know me better than anyone.  So you ladies specifically, I love you.  Thanks.



Day 3- Gratitude


I think that its almost safe to say that Springtime has officially arrived.  I have never been one to complain about weather, but that was a LONG winter, in more than one way.  This morning I woke up and the sun was shining, birds were singing and there is still a nice cool spring morning breeze.  
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I love living in the part of the world I do.  There is something about the four seasons.  Each one with its own unique beauty.  The first big snow storm, first buds poking through the dirt, flowers in full bloom and the amazing colors of Fall.  What is there not to be thankful for?  

With Springtime there are more people out being active, you see children on their bikes playing and generally people just are more cheery.  After a long winter its good to thaw out your bones, recharge your batteries, shift your focus and grow.  


Express Yourself.... You've Got to Make It

Day 2 - Gratitude

Self Expression

Today I feel ever grateful for the opportunity of self expression.  The fact that we live in a world where really anything goes and I love that.  I love that you can express yourself in so many ways now.  With the world so interconnected like never before people are finding more and more ways to really express themselves.  

The thing in life that I struggle with the most is finding how to truly evoke who I am.  I feel layered with a spectrum of interests ranging from sports to writing and music to cooking.  So how do you narrow it down?  Do you bite it all off?  Put one interest aside to learn something new?  I often find myself super enthusiastic in the beginning and soon the allure wears off.  Not following through and self sabotaging.  

The next month or so I am going to learn to read music.  To play music.  Its something that lives deep inside of me that I have tried to ignore but can't.  I was an athlete my entire life.  I can compete at any sport I try which is great, but I long to tap into that lingering creative side of me.  Sometimes you need to learn something just for yourself.  To not be asked questions or if there is any other motive other than to just learn.  This is how I feel.  This is where I am.  This is who I am.  Through it all you will have people who might not encourage you, but on the other hand you will meet people who will change you and encourage new growth.  

So today I am thankful for the opportunities to learn to express myself.  Through the spectrum of all of my interests.  


Day 1 - Gratitude

Nellie Camille & Farren Elsie

It seems obvious to me that there are two little humans in my life that bring me the most joy delight that nothing else can.  The last couple of years have been a whirlwind.  Starting from when I found out I was carrying twins, to the day they were born, to bringing them home, raising them, finding my stride as a mother with a balance in life, and now here they are as toddlers.  Their minds are simply fascinating.  And their twin connection is almost more incredible.

I am so thankful that I have the opportunity to raise twins.  To raise daughters to be empowered, strong and confident women.  I can't imagine not having twins.  



The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.
gratefulness - thankfulness - thanks - appreciation

Ever have moments when you feel overwhelmed with thankfulness in your heart.  I feel the last year of my life has been a lot like a tornado.  I am a different person because of it.  Experiences have moulded me into the lady I am right now in this moment, and I am thankful for that.  Now I am on the other side of it with a different focus and perspective.  I tried to rationalize (the last year) and just think about the silver linings in each tough situation.  To my surprise there always is one.  In every hard situation and moment you find yourself involved in, look for them.  The silver linings are there.  

Starting today I am going to do 30 days of gratitude.  Just like the definition states, its the quality of being thankful.  A good friend of mine is doing this and it has motivated me to start.  On a new path.  There is always a calm before the storm, once you are through the storm and on the other side there is a freshness that cleanses us.  Feeling thankful for even the smallest details in life help you to keep a positive outlook.  

I hope that by doing this little project it will help me to keep this positivity flowing and that in turn maybe I can be a help to others.  




An act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities.
(esp. of food) Of very good quality.
noun.  selection - option - pick - election - assortment
adjective.  select - selected - picked - chosen - exquisite

      Have you ever felt like you were in just the right place at the right time?  That the choices you are sometimes faced with might not be pleasing to everyone around you?  Those are usually the choices that make you the happiest.  Make you feel like "you", give you confidence which helps you to be the most genuine version of yourself you could be.  Maybe its a crossroad in life where you have to choose to turn left and it takes you down one path in life, turn right and it takes you down the other.  The thought in the back of your mind is always "I wonder".  Where would you be if you had made the other choice.  At that particular moment it was the best choice you could have made, its these choices through life that take us and shape us into what we are presently.  Right now.  In life there are key choices, those decisions that you make that not only affect your life, but of your loved ones.  Could you live in regret with choices you've made?  Knowing that you were never truly content?  Choices shouldn't be made with the intent to hurt someone (yes we've all made those), but choices should be made on the basis of peace.  Does this bring me peace in my heart, mind, body and soul?  


Where is Peace?

  There is something that has been made really clear to me the last little while and this phrase has come up in a couple of conversations that I have had with someone.  It is this,    " There is no peace on the fence".  Do any of you feel like that?  Like one choice, one decision, one step, one look, one conversation can change everything you ever believed to be true?  
  On one side there lies what is expected of you on the other side is what makes you happy.  What makes you feel whole, complete, and totally yourself.  On the fence is what you are actually doing in your life.  Afraid to choose, because you are afraid to hurt someone (and maybe yourself).  Instead of following your heart, you are ruled by your thoughts and what is normal, maybe easy.  It is a ripple effect.  If you jump on one side its hard because you know what you felt when you chose a side, then do you go back to sitting on the fence?  Could you go back the side you chose?  Could you convince yourself that it was what you wanted and what you have been searching for or is it a fleeting moment in time?  Or do you just stay in limbo?  Waiting for a sign or maybe waiting for someone to guide you and help you make that choice.  After all isn't life about choices and understanding and learning from the choices we make?  
  Sometimes what we as humans (that have feelings) need in life is just for someone to listen with the intent to understand.  To not judge, criticize or debate.  To simply just listen to what is plaguing us. To give us some space in their heart and mind.  
  I encourage everyone to try this.  Listen with the intent to understand.  If you love someone or even just know someone who is in a situation where they have no peace encourage them to talk and just listen.