
Canadian Singer Songwriters

Day 5 - Gratitude

Canadian Singer Songwriters

Ok... so I just about gave up on this thing, but I'm not going to.  

Today I am just really grateful for music.  Specifically Canadian music.  I have been on YouTube most of the morning just enjoying everything from The Guess Who to Kathleen Edwards.  We are so richly diverse in this country when it comes to music.  Until you take the time to actually take the time to discover it you never will.  It is not your pre-packaged, mass media produced, world famous artists that I am speaking of.  It is the ones you know worked their asses off to make it (in Canada) and who write lyrics that have Canadian content... seriously love it.  

If you don't know about these following artists please check them out.  Just a few of my favorites:

Hannah Gorges
Kathleen Edwards
Ron Sexsmith
Dan Mangan


Thank you CBC for promoting amazing Canadian talent!


Friends and Family

Day 4- Gratitude

Friends & Family

Seems obvious right?  Not everyone in the world is blessed with a support system of family and friends.  I feel very lucky lately to have especially great support from some of my girlfriends.  They simply lift me up and encourage me to do what is in my heart and to pursue my passions.  Sometimes I find that family might be a little more hesitant to encourage you to take a risk because they don't want to see you fail but your friends will be the ones to lift you back up and tell you to try again.  I am bound to my family by love and I am thankful for the values that have been instilled in me.

Today I am just very grateful for my friends.  Without a doubt I have some of the most fantastic women in my life.  They are all different from one another and in various walks of life with different experiences shaping who they are.  All of them have a special place in my heart and I love them dearly.  Its funny because three of them share the same name.  I have three Sarah's/ Sara in my life who probably know me better than anyone.  So you ladies specifically, I love you.  Thanks.



Day 3- Gratitude


I think that its almost safe to say that Springtime has officially arrived.  I have never been one to complain about weather, but that was a LONG winter, in more than one way.  This morning I woke up and the sun was shining, birds were singing and there is still a nice cool spring morning breeze.  
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I love living in the part of the world I do.  There is something about the four seasons.  Each one with its own unique beauty.  The first big snow storm, first buds poking through the dirt, flowers in full bloom and the amazing colors of Fall.  What is there not to be thankful for?  

With Springtime there are more people out being active, you see children on their bikes playing and generally people just are more cheery.  After a long winter its good to thaw out your bones, recharge your batteries, shift your focus and grow.