


An act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities.
(esp. of food) Of very good quality.
noun.  selection - option - pick - election - assortment
adjective.  select - selected - picked - chosen - exquisite

      Have you ever felt like you were in just the right place at the right time?  That the choices you are sometimes faced with might not be pleasing to everyone around you?  Those are usually the choices that make you the happiest.  Make you feel like "you", give you confidence which helps you to be the most genuine version of yourself you could be.  Maybe its a crossroad in life where you have to choose to turn left and it takes you down one path in life, turn right and it takes you down the other.  The thought in the back of your mind is always "I wonder".  Where would you be if you had made the other choice.  At that particular moment it was the best choice you could have made, its these choices through life that take us and shape us into what we are presently.  Right now.  In life there are key choices, those decisions that you make that not only affect your life, but of your loved ones.  Could you live in regret with choices you've made?  Knowing that you were never truly content?  Choices shouldn't be made with the intent to hurt someone (yes we've all made those), but choices should be made on the basis of peace.  Does this bring me peace in my heart, mind, body and soul?  


1 comment:

  1. Speaking for me, since I allowed myself to follow my own path and to listen to my inner voice, I feel much more happy! Of course, making choices isn't always that easy and there are so many choices right now, more than ever. But when you listen to your heart, truly listen, than it will become clear which way one has to choose.

    Wishing you a year filled with potential and positive choices!

    Love from Belgium
