


An act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities.
(esp. of food) Of very good quality.
noun.  selection - option - pick - election - assortment
adjective.  select - selected - picked - chosen - exquisite

      Have you ever felt like you were in just the right place at the right time?  That the choices you are sometimes faced with might not be pleasing to everyone around you?  Those are usually the choices that make you the happiest.  Make you feel like "you", give you confidence which helps you to be the most genuine version of yourself you could be.  Maybe its a crossroad in life where you have to choose to turn left and it takes you down one path in life, turn right and it takes you down the other.  The thought in the back of your mind is always "I wonder".  Where would you be if you had made the other choice.  At that particular moment it was the best choice you could have made, its these choices through life that take us and shape us into what we are presently.  Right now.  In life there are key choices, those decisions that you make that not only affect your life, but of your loved ones.  Could you live in regret with choices you've made?  Knowing that you were never truly content?  Choices shouldn't be made with the intent to hurt someone (yes we've all made those), but choices should be made on the basis of peace.  Does this bring me peace in my heart, mind, body and soul?  


Where is Peace?

  There is something that has been made really clear to me the last little while and this phrase has come up in a couple of conversations that I have had with someone.  It is this,    " There is no peace on the fence".  Do any of you feel like that?  Like one choice, one decision, one step, one look, one conversation can change everything you ever believed to be true?  
  On one side there lies what is expected of you on the other side is what makes you happy.  What makes you feel whole, complete, and totally yourself.  On the fence is what you are actually doing in your life.  Afraid to choose, because you are afraid to hurt someone (and maybe yourself).  Instead of following your heart, you are ruled by your thoughts and what is normal, maybe easy.  It is a ripple effect.  If you jump on one side its hard because you know what you felt when you chose a side, then do you go back to sitting on the fence?  Could you go back the side you chose?  Could you convince yourself that it was what you wanted and what you have been searching for or is it a fleeting moment in time?  Or do you just stay in limbo?  Waiting for a sign or maybe waiting for someone to guide you and help you make that choice.  After all isn't life about choices and understanding and learning from the choices we make?  
  Sometimes what we as humans (that have feelings) need in life is just for someone to listen with the intent to understand.  To not judge, criticize or debate.  To simply just listen to what is plaguing us. To give us some space in their heart and mind.  
  I encourage everyone to try this.  Listen with the intent to understand.  If you love someone or even just know someone who is in a situation where they have no peace encourage them to talk and just listen.