
wis·dom (wiz′dəm)


1.the quality of being wise; power of judging rightly and following the soundest course of action, based on knowledge, experience, understanding, etc.; good judgment; sagacity
2.learning; knowledge; erudition: the wisdom of the ages
3.Now Rare wise discourse or teaching
4.Wisdom of Solomon
5.a wise plan or course of action

I think often about wisdom.  Sometimes when people come to me with "stuff" I hope that I can say something profound and wise and they will have a lightbulb moment.  Most times this doesn't happen.   I love the first definition of this word.  Everyday I try hard to not judge others or myself.  We are humans and we make mistakes, we are supposed to.  They help us to grow and growing helps us to become more wise.  Often times I feel judged, maybe by choices I make or am making, the way I parent, and maybe even the way that I look.  That being said, it is never good to dwell on what you think people think about you.  Most times you are wrong.  So I try to judge rightly to understand why people are in a certain situation, what brought them there and how can I help?  I find that through helping others or even just listening that I can learn from where others have made mistakes and not make them myself.  

In life I always want to seek wisdom.  Be wise in the choices I make, how I treat others, how I allow others to treat me, and most importantly where I am seeking this wisdom.  


  1. Love this wise post! It demonstrates empathy and compassion, qualities that I really value, especially in today's world.
    Also love the idea of seeking wisdom: to me, it feels like a lifelong learning process and one of the reasons why we are here, living this life.

  2. Jesse. just this afternoon you shared some wisdom with me regarding what others might think or how they might judge us I came home and read again what you had written about wisdom . Thanks for sharing this deep insight !
