

growth (grōth)


1.The process of growing. Full development; maturity.
2.Development from a lower or simpler to a higher or more complex form; evolution.
3.An increase, as in size, number, value, or strength; extension or expansion: population growth.
4.Something that grows or has grown: a new growth of grass.

    When I really sit down to think about growth it brings so much to the surface.  The thing that may have struck a cord is the simple fact that we don't just grow physically, but we grow emotionally and spiritually.  Watching children grow you can see the changes and how their minds are developing and how along with them you are growing too.  Its like you develop a whole new side of yourself and someone else emerges that is much wiser than the person you knew even just months ago.  I have felt myself change over the course of the last few weeks taking this e-course, its not a physical growth, but an emotional one.  Something has changed and is starting to develop inside of me.  I feel like I do have a voice and there is a tone to that voice through my writing.  Maybe it can be further reaching than I ever imagined, but maybe not.  And thats ok too.  
  I took this photo outside of our house a few years back, just a simple display of growth and changing.  Here is this beautiful rose in full bloom surrounded by others that are anxiously waiting to open up.  Isn't that kind of how we all are?  At different stages of growth, but always growing together (even if we don't know it).  The next year this rose bush will be even larger with more flowers and a sweeter aroma.  The more we grow in a positive direction the sweeter life becomes.  Sometimes I feel stuck.  After giving and giving all day to my children, husband and home I start to feel complacent about myself and I don't nurture that rose inside.  I feel like those roses that haven't quite bloomed, but are so close.  Maybe just needing a little bit more time, you very rarely can see a rose change right in front of you and open up and become a beautiful flower.  It just happens slowly.  You might take a moment to look at this flower that is inside of you and think that there is not a chance it will ever blossom and change, until one day there it is.  You have changed, you have blossomed and you are beautiful and worth something.  I need to just remind myself of this too.  Nurture you and that what is in you.  

1 comment:

  1. Was, this was so beautiful and inspiring, Jesse. I didn't want it to end! I think you're right that you have the gift to express yourself in words. Your analogy of a rose was lovely. I like how you said that we rarely see a rose bloom right in front of us, but it will bloom in it's own time (not your exact words).

    Thanks so much for sharing from your heart, Jesse. :-)
