

ser·en·dip·i·ty (sĕrˌən-dĭpˈĭ-tē)

noun pl. ser·en·dip·i·ties

1.The faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident.
2.The fact or occurrence of such discoveries.
3.An instance of making such a discovery. 

So here we are!  I have found this through the eyes of my girls.  Little minds are always going!  They stop for nothing and have no limits.  On a cool autumn day I took the girls (Nellie and Farren) for a walk to the park down the street from our home.  It had rained about an hour before and it was hard for them to resist the puddles!  

It is important to allow your children to run free and wild and splash in cold puddles.  It shapes who they are an encourages a healthy sense of adventure.  Through them I have found out new discoveries about myself, some amazing things and some not so great.  Children bring out parts of us that are hidden deep within some of us.  That innocent, care free and trusting side we all want to have, but maybe have let go.  I hope these little photo's help you to see a bit of serendipity through the eyes of a child or two!


  1. This is so beautiful, Jesse ... beautifully written plus I love your thoughts about children. Lovely photos, too!

  2. Thhat was beautiful Jesse.You have such talant for writing I know that for sure.Those girls look like beautiful flower's on a rainy day! I do belive your a wonderful mommy and daddy and those girls shape you all into a beautiful family!

  3. BEAUTIFUL girls! And I love your interpretation of the exercise. I just read your more recent post and I have to say that you ARE a great photographer and an excellent writer.

    Thanks for sharing your gifts with the world. :)

    1. Wow Dondra,
      I am blown away by your comment! Thank you so much for your kindness!

  4. Look at these dolls! Indeed, I totally agree: our children can teach us so much ... They are the world's most precious teachers. Your photos look like little film shots: I can see your daughters walk through the season of fall.
