

sit still
Meanwhile back in the 80's
Do you ever look at a photo and it can take you back to that very day?  I was just looking at my photo of the day from Flickr and this is it.  This was an extraordinary day.  This day was spent eating spaghetti at my grandparents house with ALL of my cousins and aunties and uncles.  It involved impromptu family photo's being taken and running around their yard.  We didn't all have matching outfits, I didn't even actually have shoes on my feet.  We were just us.  Just kids and my parents were young people.  My dad still has that same moustache (I'm not sure if it was cooler then or now).  I just love how candid this is.  My older sister was always a bit more reserved than I was and more girly and my brother, well I think my dad was likely trying to hold him down here, because he would just go and go and go and never stop (he's still like that).  Then there is me in the middle, I am not sure what I am laughing at, but I still look like this (minus the amazing blonde locks). I love how happy and proud my parents look here too.  They look young and vibrant (and my mom isn't wearing shoes either).
  When I see these photo's and the memories it evokes in a way it makes me long for my childhood, even to just relive this day in particular.  This was the day I remember my grandpa telling me that the dog will just lick the plates clean ( and then he put them in the cupboard), this is the day I remember my first smell of sweet peas, this is the day that we were all still kids.  Innocent and carefree.  I love my family and my cousins, though we all live in different parts of the province (and world, my sister lives down unda), we all still have this amazing bond.  Unconditional love really.  Most of us have children of our own now and it will be amazing to watch them spend time together.
  I can't help but think of my grandparents when I look at these photo's, the legacy they left.  It's been just two months since my grandpa passed away, but I don't think that a day goes by that I don't think about him (and grandma too).  Just a little peek into my childhood and the day I will remember forever.


  1. This post is really beautiful Jesse. Brought a little tear to my eye. You are a great writer and such a happy soul.

  2. You really are a great writer! Your post made me think back to some of my childhood memories and notice the best parts. :)

    Thanks for the memories! :)
